Motivation Monday - Changed From The Inside Out

In my early days of marriage I tried so hard to please my mother-in-law and fit in to her ideals of keeping a house and being a wife. The truth is, as hard as I tried, I fell short in trying to live up to her expectations, mainly because I was just - different.

I have been reflecting on how often I am still prone to trying to conform myself to my circumstances, perceived expectations of friends and strangers, allowing external pressures to shape me.⁠

Culture will try to drown out the still small voice of God.

Culture will try to keep us dancing to its ever-changing

expectations of who you should be.

You must learn to block out the noise of the world

in order to hear the grace-filled anthem of God’s voice in your life.

The truth is, you were never meant to be conformed to this world, but called and predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ: “For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us  from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son.Romans 8:29 TPT

To conform is to act in accordance with, becoming similar in nature, form, or character. When you resist the pressure to be shaped by the world, instead fixing your attention on God, the Word assures you, you will be "changed from the inside out" - inwardly transformed, able to perceive and respond to God's will for you. And when you walk in accordance with His will, God is able to use you in this world and provide opportunities for you to transform it.

Who or what are you allowing to shape you?⁠ May your heart and mind be transformed by the Holy Spirit, so you can live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes.

I believe in you!  God bless.



Motivation Monday - Be a light in the world


Motivation Monday - God Sees You